What are we striving for? What is our end-goal? When can we say alongside Jesus, “It is finished”?
It’s no less than the evangelization of the entire world. What a daunting task! I look at my church–we’ve probably got 25-30 people in each location. Should this lofty concept be the goal of such a small, rural church? Seems like an unattainable goal to achieve. And yet, we aren’t supposed to look at how big or small we are, or how many resources we have (remember the parable of the man with one talent?). We are supposed to trust in the Gospel, that it is indeed the power of God. Our power doesn’t come from how intelligent we are, how wealthy we are, how large in size we are, or how talented we are. Our power comes from the truth coming alive by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The evangelization of the world. That is what we work toward. For some, this sounds like some imperial concept–some selfish endeavor by Christians to convert everyone to their religion. On the contrary, Christians are called to utter selflessness. This isn’t about some jewel in our crown for sharing the Gospel. The motive is purely this: Jesus Christ is worthy of the praise of every single creature He has created. He deserves no less. He died so that all of God’s creation can be restored to Him. God rightly deserves everything and everyone to glorify Him and Him alone. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, that is now possible, and we continue working toward that end. The Son of God’s reward must equal the cost of His sacrifice.
Yet, how many Christians do we see striving for this? How many Christians in their entire lifetime even see one person come to know Christ through their personal sharing of the Gospel? What about my own life? Outside of my pastoral role, what am I personally doing to share God’s Good News to people I know and don’t know?
Don’t mistake what I’m saying: I’m not advocating some way to mass-produce Christians and try to get as many people to convert and then move on to others who need converting. I’m talking about something much more difficult and much more real: every single human fully living for Jesus Christ. I’m not talking about simply trying to get people to “say a prayer.”
That means as much as it is our job to share the Gospel, it’s just as important that we live it (and to see that those who come to Christ through our sharing truly live it too). As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:27, “I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.” What good is it to “convert” people, if us converts and those we “convert” aren’t living a converted life? The goal is for EVERYONE (including me) to fully live for Jesus Christ.
Wake up, world, and realize that this life isn’t meant to be lived for us–it’s meant to be lived solely for Him. And wake up, Church, and realize that this life isn’t meant to be lived for us–it’s meant to be lived solely for Him.
Then, and only then, can we rest from our labors. Something tells me we have a lot more work to do, and that we really need the Holy Spirit in a bad way–like, right now.
One response to “What Are Christians Up To?”
Well said