Any Time Now…

I commented to a friend a few days ago that I wondered what would have happened if the Israelites hadn’t complained about no water to Moses (that’s when God told Moses to strike the rock so water would miraculously flow out for them). Would God still have provided water for them? Or would they have had to suffer w/out water for a lot longer?

I’ve also thought about the disciples in the boat w/the wind and waves while Jesus was sound asleep. What would have happened if they didn’t freak out and wake up Jesus? Would God have calmed the winds and waves still? Or might the situation have turned out worse before it got any better? Is it possible one of the disciples may have lost their lives?

I guess I’m wondering if it’s sometimes better to doubt God is paying attention and cry out to him in panic, rather than trying to drum up more faith and trying to continue to endure the situation. I think I’d be willing to hear a rebuke from Jesus about my lack of faith, if the waves and wind would die down.


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