It’s A Girl!

That’s right–our third child due to arrive September 1 will be a girl, as confirmed by today’s ultrasound! I project that the estrogen levels at home these upcoming years will be quite a force for me to reckon with–I covet everyone’s prayers! ๐Ÿ™‚

We don’t have a name picked out yet, so we are open to all suggestions! We received a DVD of today’s ultrasound that includes the determination of gender and the ability to listen to the heartbeat, among other things. So without further ado, for your viewing pleasure, enjoy nine tantalizing minutes of baby movements and ultrasound tech measurements…

5 responses to “It’s A Girl!”

  1. Okay Okay it’s true I confess… I cry at soppy love stories AND my friends’ ultrasounds. Geez… and one other thought… after viewing this how can anyone think that God does not exist. Look at that precious new life and tell me there is no God. Impossible. Hey Tim, only 2 more girls AND a boy to catch up with us now.

  2. Stasia, quit giving him ideas ๐Ÿ™‚ LOL. I completely agree with you, though–how can anyone look at how babies are created and not see God? It’s so amazing.

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