Praise God For A Flat Tire!

Yes, you heard that right. I’m blown away that I got a flat tire on my car today. Why would I be praising God for this? Read on…

I should have replaced the tires on my car a long time ago. They’ve been bald for at least a few months now. The problem is, we haven’t had the money to buy new tires, so I’ve been literally praying everyday I drive my car that none of the tires would blow out. To make matters even more risky, my job requires that I regularly drive across the state (probably at least once a week).

We have two cars, but the other car is used for taking Naomi to school and picking her up everyday, so we couldn’t downsize to one car. So I’ve been praying everyday that I drive my car for work that God would let it hold up until Naomi gets out of school for the summer. At that point, we don’t need to use two cars anymore. Well, my last job assignment was last week in Huntsville all week, and that was Naomi’s last week of school. This week, she’s home for the summer.

Today, Audra was taking the minivan to get the brakes fixed, and I got in my car to follow her there so we could come home while the brakes were getting fixed. As I pulled out of our driveway, my tire was blown out!

This is a miracle on two counts:

1. My prayers were answered literally and perfectly, as the tire blew out the very first week Naomi was out of school for the summer. This totally blows me away. Just as much as what I wrote a few months before about how God is taking care of us during this time of financially lean times. God couldn’t have answered my prayer more clearly. My first job assignment after Naomi is out of school occurs tomorrow. Just in time for us to be able to downsize to one car! Wow!!!

2. The blow out took place in my garage–not on the interstate that I travel everyday for work.

I’ve never been more stoked about a flat tire in my life ever before! How awesome and amazing is this?! It’s days like this that confirm for me that, even though I may worry at times,  we are indeed traveling down the right road, and we are right where God wants us for this time! He is taking care of me as I have stepped out in faith. I don’t need to worry what other people may be saying or thinking about me, or worrying about what the future holds!


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