New Year Indeed

I haven’t posted anything for a bit, but that is because my family has been going through a pretty difficult process of leaving our church of 5+ years. Through this process, we have been stretched in our faith, beliefs, and ability to show restraint and kindness when chastised for leaving. As a result, I feel great! Thankfully, most people kindly showed their appreciation toward us, and we will miss everyone there! I am thankful that now the process is over, a sense of peace is here.

It was extremely hard to leave the youth group, knowing that they have many questions. We love them dearly, but have had to place them in God’s hands. We started the youth ministry from scratch, and enjoyed seeing God grow the ministry and the youth. They are the best, and I’ve never felt closer to a group of teenagers than them–I look forward to how God will grow them into His purposes and plans. Surprisingly, I feel great peace that God will take care of things no problem!

Now we must start to look for a new church family. We will try our best not to “church shop,” but instead try to understand where God would place us.

The next couple of weeks, I plan to share what God has done in my life as a result of this change, and I’m sure I’ll also reflect on the journey of finding a new church.

Pressing forward in 2010!

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3 responses to “New Year Indeed”

  1. Oh Tim!!! I love you and hope God puts you somewhere that you can do work just as amazing as what you have done at Genesis. You’ve done lots for me and I hope you do the same for others.

  2. Thanks, Brent! I’m so proud of the person you’ve become, as I know your parents are as well. You have been a great leader, and I know you will continue to be–keep pursuing Christ as you finish out your HS years and transition into college! I anticipate God doing great things through you.

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