Author: Tim

  • Jesus or Barabbas?

    Jesus or Barabbas?

    Which is more harmful to Christianity and to the world–having an incorrect doctrine of the Trinity or displaying un-Christlike behavior and attitudes towards others, especially unbelievers? I believe it’s the latter. Maybe I am speaking out too much, but I’m starting to see the repercussions of the great carnality that has continued to exist within…

  • Being Thankful During COVD-19

    Being Thankful During COVD-19

    Some of what I’m thankful for during the coronavirus pandemic:   I eat a lot healthier, now that we don’t eat out at restaurants. And I started to use some weight loss pills that actually work that help me manage my weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. However it is also important to pair pill…

  • What Matters To Me/Us?

    What Matters To Me/Us?

    What do you care about? I am slowly figuring out that one can only care about so many (or should I say, few) things, and that caring for one thing means not caring as much about another thing. I’ll speak to this personally, and then church-ly. If you are experience pain in your wisdom tooth…

  • All Church Concerts Cancelled

    All Church Concerts Cancelled

    NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: Due to the coronavirus, churches can no longer hold free concerts on Sunday mornings.   I guess Christians at home will need to find another way to experience “God” without turning the living room lights real low, the kids moving around the kitchen spotlights with fog, and dads sipping coffee to…

  • I Had A Dream!

    I Had A Dream!

    Sorry for misquoting MLK Jr, but last night I had a dream I actually remembered, which hardly ever happens. I came in from the snow into the back row of a small group or classroom setting, and the teacher was asking everyone to share about their experience with suffering. I had something to share about…

  • Christians and Gay People

    Christians and Gay People

    In my previous post, I spoke on the relationship between Christianity and gay marriage. Today I would like to discuss my beliefs on the relationship between Christians and people who are gay. I feel like Christians and gay people don’t see things objectively, because they both have an agenda. So here is my best attempt…

  • Gay Marriage

    Gay Marriage

    One of the big cultural stories in America right now is trying to reconcile religious belief with non-discrimination laws in regards to homosexuality or other alternative sexual lifestyles. People are up-in-arms over legislation that would allow people with religious convictions to refuse to participate in celebration of gay marriages, etc. The argument is, no one…

  • My Valentine, Audra

    My Valentine, Audra

    This year, Audra and I aren’t exchanging gifts for Valentine’s Day, so this is my gift to her. I am thankful for my wife for many reasons. Unfortunately, I’m not the best at articulating them, and I don’t affirm Audra like I ought to, or she needs. But here are just a few reasons why…

  • Why Don’t Christians Like Unbelievers?

    Why Don’t Christians Like Unbelievers?

    After contemplating it a little more, I think I know part of the reason why the movie “God’s Not Dead” bothered me so much. Our men’s group at church is currently going through a study entitled, “They like Jesus, But Not The Church,” or something to that effect. The study is about how Christians so…

  • God’s Not Dead (But After This Movie, He Might Just Well Be)

    God’s Not Dead (But After This Movie, He Might Just Well Be)

    Granted, Christians don’t have a great record when it comes to movie-making, but we sure shot ourselves in the foot with this one. ALERT: Spoilers ahead. If you are planning to see the movie, don’t read on. Wait a minute, on second thought, please read on. I hope to change your mind. Where do I…