Author: Tim

  • Bell Tells Hell Farewell

    …as pastors quell Bell who they claim fell and yell that they smell very well what he sells. What the shell? (that’s the only other word I could think of that rhymes) For me, the question is: Where the hell does Rob Bell stand? Hahahaha. A lot of controversy surrounds Rob Bell’s new book, and…

  • Developing Object Permanence With God

    Our six-month old baby, Sarah, gets super excited every time she sees me. One of those times when her eyes seemed totally locked onto me, I wondered, “Why is it that my presence gets her so excited?” I had many explanations. And I was also reminded that babies don’t have a concept of object permanence.…

  • How Far Did Jesus Really Go To Save Us?

    “He was 100% God and 100% human.” How many times have you heard that statement about Jesus? Have you ever noticed that anytime anyone says that, they say it in the past tense. He was 100% God and 100% human. The implication is that He became so for a brief period in time, but He…

  • How To Know If You Can Make It As A Televangelist/Preacher (And Then Lose It)

    How To Know If You Can Make It As A Televangelist/Preacher (And Then Lose It)

      Do any of the following apply to you? Your last name rhymes with Swaggart/Haggard Your first name has a great ring to it if you add a “y” to it, such as Ben, Ted, Jim, etc. Even when you’re on a security camera in the mall, you feel the need to weep. You cry…

  • What Are Christians Up To?

    What are we striving for? What is our end-goal? When can we say alongside Jesus, “It is finished”? It’s no less than the evangelization of the entire world. What a daunting task! I look at my church–we’ve probably got 25-30 people in each location. Should this lofty concept be the goal of such a small,…

  • Fasting, Day 39

    Tomorrow is the last of 40 days of fasting! I don’t feel like I sacrificed nearly “enough” during these days, but I’m still super eager to be able to go on a normal eating routine once again. Going into the fast, I knew that after the first few days of fasting, hunger pains went away.…

  • The Biggest Danger For The Future of Methodists

    As many of you know, I was a member of the North Alabama Conference (United Methodists) for 8 years by being a member of two of their churches during that time. During that time, I heard many sentiments expressed about the current struggles for Methodists. Methodists moaned that they were a minority in the land…

  • Fasting, Day 20

    Halfway there. After breaking my water fast and giving myself a few days to return to normal eating, I decided finish the 40 days by fasting breakfast and lunch, and eating dinner each day. Before fasting, I never really ate breakfast, but now I think when the fast is over, I’ll be adding that into…

  • I Am Such A Fool

    I am such a fool God in His great mercy loved me so dearly He sacrificed His only Son so unfairly But I don’t want to even sacrifice myself barely . I am such a fool Jesus promises to take such good care of me He has an incredible place prepared for me And I…

  • Dealing With Congregation-Envy

    I remember several years ago having a conversation with a youth pastor when I was helping out in his youth ministry. The church was in a very rural setting and had a van that would go out each week to pick kids up for youth group. Most of the kids who came to youth group…