Depravity–Do you too know it well?
Nov 19
Let me start this post by warning you–I’m sure this will be much longer than a typical blog post. I would like to flesh out a series of thoughts I’ve had recently. I would appreciate anyone’s feedback to what you read. These thoughts have originated because of two separate events in my life recently. One deals with a friend who has an eating disorder. Another deals with some people I know who live within the homosexual lifestyle. For awhile, I’ve been considering the the idea that we all have some issue of depravity within us. For some, it’s very noticeable and apparent, such as an eating disorder or addictive tendencies, and so those people often go through intervention for their issues. For others, the depravity is much more secretive, and oftentimes even more destructive. For example, if someone has a serious problem with gossiping, that destructive behavior can destroy an entire church and cause many people to never know Christ. Whereas the homosexual may only destroy their own life and the lives of his/her partners. My passive/agressive behavior or my bitterness may destroy everyone I come in contact with…so I must come to recognize the depravity in me and must assume that everyone else has severe depravity in some area(s) too. We must realize that our depravity, even if it is not so noticeable, is probably even more deadly than the ones we typically label as depravity (i.e. homosexuality, drug use, sex outside of marriage, murder, etc.). I would like to probe this a little further as well and compare the depravitous behavior in both homosexuality and your typical eating disorder. I would like for you to see if these similarities are true for your own depravities as well: Both the homosexual and the anorexic must not give in to their depravity. For the homosexual, to do so is to exist in a relationship that is not God-honoring and contrary to God’s will and intent. It is to participate with another person in a way that was only intended for the sacred relationship of marriage. This unnatural union can also lead to other perversions of God’s natural sexual law if more permission is given it. The same is true...
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