Sarah Joy Is Here!

So, Sarah is here and everyone is doing well! Naomi is very motherly, and loves to spend every waking moment with Sarah. Rachel, on the other hand, is content to play by herself when Naomi is “taking care” of Sarah. Rachel always said that when baby Sarah comes, she wanted to name her “Sweetheart.” Too funny.

Anyway, when Audra was in labor, a thought came to me that I admit is a little weird, but I think it’s a good analogy. This Bible passage came to mind:

Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.”

His disciples replied, “Then who can be saved?”

Jesus answered, “With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.”

I was watching Audra in labor, and thinking in my head…”this baby won’t be able to come out…there’s just no way!” (Sarah obviously did come, and she was 9 lbs. 7 oz.!) As I was thinking about that verse, I adapted it for the moment:

“I tell you the truth it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a baby to be born.”

“Then who can be born?”

“With man this is impossible, but with women, all things are possible.”

OK, I told you this was weird. But when you look at both quotes, they really are the same. After all, Jesus said to enter the kingdom of heaven, you must be BORN again. I was reflecting on the mission we have before us in the churches of Ault and Nunn, and considering how our situation is similar to a woman in labor. It’s a lot of hard work to have a baby, and oftentimes, you just don’t want to push any longer. There are times when you feel like the baby will never come out. But we must have faith in God and believe that with him, all things are possible. It may seem impossible for that friend or family member to be born again. The circumstances may seem insurmountable. But hey, if God makes it possible for Sarah Joy to be born, He can make it possible for people to come to Christ as well. Our job is to keep pushing, regardless of the circumstances. And push at the right times. To be sensitive to the “contractions” of the Holy Spirit. It’s foolish to push in labor when you’re not having contractions. You’re just pushing in your own strength. You must be in step with your body’s rhythym that God has created for this moment. In the same way, we must be in step with the Holy Spirit’s urgings and push when He is telling us to push. But not do things in our own flesh. But when it’s time to push, it’s time to push. No holding back. In this moment, nothing else matters but having the baby. We must be just as focused and determined to see God’s kingdom become reality.

How awesome it is when labor is over, and a baby is born! If we are faithful and do not lose heart, we will receive our reward. The Bible promises this, so we must persist in spite of pain, discouragement, or setbacks. With God, ALL things are possible! Do you believe that?

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One response to “Sarah Joy Is Here!”

  1. “It’s foolish to push in labor when you’re not having contractions. You’re just pushing in your own strength.”

    I didn’t know this. You should have pull-quoted it instead of burying it in the last paragraph. I do think that’s a great analogy for following the leading of the spirit.

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